Ops Suite

BLACK6 Ops Suite is the first truly adaptive integrated learning environment - designed to fundamentally change Defence training development, management and delivery. The Ops Suite is a comprehensive selection of modular, integrated applications, purpose-built to revolutionise Defence training. Our systems promote an unparalleled integrated learning environment, tailoring each student's career trajectory and placing the power of learning directly into their hands.

The Ops Suite is powered by advanced, individualised Artificial Learning models operating within the Total Learning Architecture, which models are designed to create contextualised, adaptive learning experiences meeting the needs of the Defence Force and personnel.

All learning and instruction activities are captured and, where required, used to:

  • Train unique customised models; or
  • Advance the knowledge of the existing 6Sense AI models provided as part of the software stack.
  • Enigma

    Authentication and launcher security.

  • Studios

    Revolutionising content development for training and assessment across all Defence domains.

  • IOS

    Mission planning, strategy and execution.

  • BlackBox

    Advanced student management for virtual, live, and traditional training environments.

  • DNA

    Intelligent analytics for adaptive training and enhanced student outcomes.

  • 6Sense

    Individualised AI models for true adaptive learning and educational psychology.



Authentication and launcher security.

  • Centralised Launch Management

    Enigma streamlines the installation, launch, and management of the BLACK6 Ops Suite modules, ensuring that every component is deployed quickly and efficiently.

  • Robust Identity & Access Control

    With a comprehensive identity and access management solution, Enigma provides secure and seamless access for both users and administrators, reinforcing overall system integrity.

  • Unified Software Experience

    By integrating all modules under one platform, Enigma delivers a cohesive, user-friendly experience that simplifies operations and enhances productivity across the entire suite.



Revolutionising content development for training and assessment across all Defence domains.

  • Revolutionising Course Development

    Studios gives course creators full control over lessons and assessments across virtual, real, and traditional environments.

  • Adaptive Virtual Simulations

    Dynamic synthetic environments adjust in real time, tailoring lessons to each student's needs.

  • Bridging Virtual & Real Learning

    Integrates with BlackBox and real-world assets for flexible, comprehensive training experiences.


Studios is the first Virtual Learner Content Management System developed to allow courseware creators to take control of the development process for lessons and assessments across virtual synthetic environments (simulated), real world environments, and traditional learning environments.

Studios integrates with BlackBox, allowing users to create learning and assessment resources. Employing a simplistic design, this allows courseware creators to build out Demo (lessons), Direct (Practice), and Monitor (Assessments) that connects within any virtual environment (e.g. P3D, Unreal Engine, Unity), as well as real world and traditional learning environments.

Virtual Synthetic Environments:

  • Design lessons and assessments for all simulator environments and types
  • Events and changes can be pre-configured, or triggered on the fly by instructors or individualised AI models
  • Truly individual adaptive learning through real time changes to lessons and assessments, adjusting difficulty and stress levels to suit the individual student
  • Change synthetic environment conditions in real time, including weather, traffic, radio patter, and emergencies
  • Define synthetic lesson and assessment environments, mirroring real world parameters, including country, airport, Defence base, and key areas for training
  • Build and rebuild lessons and assessment to meet current competency and regulatory requirements

Real World Environments:

  • Connect to real Defence assets to create and track lesson and assessment outcomes.
  • Remote Instructor allows for lesson and assessment development and capture through augmented reality, camera, or drone applications.
  • Data streams are monitored and analysed in real-time, informing simulation advancement and modification; adapting and responding to user performance.

Classroom Environments

Develop traditional E-learning material where necessary and expedient, including multichoice, fill in the blank, hot spot, and paper authoring.



Mission planning, strategy and execution.

  • Real-Time Lesson Control

    Take command of lessons with live monitoring, performance tracking, and customisable controls—before, during, and after each training event.

  • Adaptive Event Control

    Manage dynamic training events with real-time monitoring, asset teleportation, weather and emergency controls to ensure timely instructor intervention.

  • Instructor Dashboard

    Centralised lesson management, live communication, and post-event debriefs in a secure, all-in-one platform for proactive training oversight.

Instructor Operating Station

Purpose-built software allowing instructors to start, monitor, customise, and interact with student lessons before, during, or after the learning event. Event monitoring and triggering can be undertaken by AVI in real time, allowing instructors to focus on key areas and be where they are needed most.

  • Lesson (Profile) management
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Live performance tracking and analytics
  • Live instructor takeover
  • Live asset teleportation
  • Weather control
  • Emergency control
  • Dynamic controlled virtual assets
  • Multiplayer coordination
  • Performance assessment and review
  • After-Action Debriefing (AAD)
  • Live communication between instructors and students
  • Integration with BLACK6 Ops Suite
  • Security and data protection
  • Design training resources


Advanced student management for virtual, live, and traditional training environments.

  • End-to-End Training Ecosystem

    BlackBox revolutionises training management, coordinating students, instructors, and courseware across real, simulated, and virtual platforms.

  • Dynamic Lesson Management

    Launch and manage lessons seamlessly in live or simulated settings, capturing every learning and assessment activity.

  • Standard-Compliant Learning Tracker

    Leverages xAPI to capture every learning interaction, delivering actionable insights for continuous training improvement.


BlackBox is a revolutionary Virtual Learning Management System (VLMS), bringing about a paradigm shift in training, student and courseware management. Capturing training and assessment activities through real world, simulated and virtual training platforms.

  • End-to-end student, instructor, and course management
  • Simulation or live environment lesson management and launching
  • xAPI compliance - The Experience API e-learning software specification that records and tracks various types of learning experiences for learning systems
  • Designed to address the needs of the four key end user cohorts:
    • Defence training departments
    • Students
    • Instructors
    • Governing and regulatory departments.


Intelligent analytics for adaptive training and enhanced student outcomes.

  • In-Depth Progress Analytics

    Track student performance and engagement with customisable reports detailing skills and outcomes.

  • Insightful Outcome Review

    Leveraging debrief data and detailed analytics, DNA transforms raw metrics into research-driven insights that refine training strategies.

  • Dynamic Learning Optimisation

    DNA processes training data to adapt simulations and learning paths in real time, ensuring continuous improvement.


DNA advanced data analytics system processes, analyses, and provides actionable insights into training data. The system dynamically adapts simulations and learning paths based on the gathered data, ensuring continuous improvement in student outcomes. This data also allows for the reviewing of the student outcomes and performance, making key research findings.

  • Tracks student progression through all training and assessment types, reporting on skill acquisition and engagement levels.
  • Customisable reports highlighting granular data on student engagement, performance, and training outcomes.
  • Debriefing provides immediate key performance metrics for feedback and refinement.
  • Total Learning Architecture (TLA) Experience Application Interfacing (xAPI) data reports and exporting.


Individualised AI models for true adaptive learning and educational psychology.

  • Advanced Adaptive Learning

    6SENSE transforms BLACK6 Ops Suite with AI that tailors lessons and feedback in real time.

  • Personalised Virtual Instructor

    AVI leverages predictive, vision, and adaptive models to deliver targeted, individualised guidance.

  • Immersive AI-Driven Simulations

    Dynamic AI assets and air traffic control create realistic training environments for superior skill development.


6SENSE turns the BLACK6 Ops Suite into an advanced AI-driven learning platform which delivers highly targeted and adaptive learning experiences through specialised, trained AI models. 6SENSE employs machine learning to tailor content and feedback by identifying and building from individual student needs, performance data, and specific skill requirements. 6SENSE clusters individualised, dynamic AI models. These models create personalised learning environments that evolve in real-time, providing each student with their optimal path to competency.

6SENSE's individual AI models provide key information to AVI: allowing each student's version of AVI to uniquely adapt to them, enhancing their learning experience and outcomes for superior advancement.

Current Individualised AI driven features include:

AVI - Artificial Virtual Instructor

AVI is an individualised AI model, trained from user inputs and other 6SENSE AI models. AVI is the central contact hub within the BLACK6 Ops Suite - providing training, assessment, feedback, assistance and tips to every user type. As AVI learns about the user and starts to contextualise the experience within the BLACK6 Ops Suite applications, AVI is able to provide increasingly effective outcomes for the individual.

AVI is an agent-based virtual instructor combining an array of components to guide, assist, and instruct students throughout their training. AVI is tailored and adapts to each individual student, and the collected data is integrated into a central model to enhance AVI's overall performance across all students. Each component agent contributes unique insights, ranging from predictive analytics to visual recognition, that are reintegrated to provide tailored, real-time feedback and instruction. Component agents are:

  • Predictive Model
  • Vision Model
  • Adaptive Learning Model
  • Assessment Engine
  • Data Debrief and Analysis Model
  • Guidance and Feedback Model
  • Takeover and Demonstration Model

Predictive Model

Predicts the short-term future state of the assets within the environment (e.g. an aircraft during flight). It is used with the Assessment Engine to predict potential failures of goals (segments) and provide corrective actions to the Guidance and Feedback Model.

Vision Model

Analyses students' views in the simulator through computer vision and eye tracking. It observes and determines eye movement (e.g. whether the student is looking at the correct gauges, noticing other aircraft) and reaction timing, deriving crucial data on student focus and process.

Adaptive Learning Model

Analyses students’ previous flight performance history to inform, adapt, and improve the lesson to their individual needs. The lesson structure supports a dynamic block-based structure with adjustable elements, such as weather, wind, computer-generated traffic, and emergencies. This allows the model to tailor lessons to student performance and adjust simulation environment accordingly.

Assessment Engine

Student performance is applied against defined assessment criteria in real time, giving up to the second feedback to student and assessor. Performance may be scored against assessor-defined matrices or benchmarks, including for assessor review and adjustment. Each assessable component is individually monitored and reported on, with the insertion of relevant feedback via AVI delivered in-simulation and for post-activity debrief.

Data Debrief and Analysis Model

Data is analysed and debriefed for students and instructors post-simulation. The data feeds back into the adaptive learning model, allowing for adaptations and improvements to guide the student’s next attempt. Adjustments to simulation complexity and difficulty in order to ensure continuous improvement for student skillsets through tailored, achievable ramping.

Guidance and Feedback Model

Integrates, analyses, and interprets data from other models, summarises, and injects key information into verbal and/or visual prompts to the student within the simulation. This facilitates the opportunity for almost instantaneous skill correction and improvement within the relevant, subject activity.

Takeover and Demonstration Model

Targeted and timely instruction can be delivered to the student via AVI stepping in and demonstrating correct skill performance. This can also be achieved by pre-recorded assessor demonstration, or AI-driven in real time. This is particularly suited to early skill development, and students with visually focused learning pathways.

Artificial Intelligence Air Traffic Control

An AI driven voice capture training and assessment application modelled off and for Pilot Air Traffic Control training. It is trained on the specific content required for local legislation and the respective training conditions. Features include:

  • Voice Recording
  • Stud/Radio Frequency system
  • Voice Playback
  • Network Transfer for Recorded Voice from Simulator device to ATC
  • Speech to Text System
  • Callsign Recognition
  • Tone Recognition
  • Aerodrome Knowledge System
  • Action Matcher
  • Action Attempt Tracking System
  • Action Validator
  • Action Scoring System
  • Response Text Generator
  • Realistic Voice Generation

Artificial Intelligent Assets

AI aircraft or other assets trained to simulate real manoeuvring tactics, allowing students the ability to practice traffic and formation in a realistic environment.

  • Computer Generated Forces (CGF)/ATC interaction system
  • Proprietary autopilot system that mimics real-world pilot behaviour, guiding aircraft based on dynamic environmental and situational inputs
  • Proprietary situational awareness algorithms that enhance AI-controlled aircraft performance
  • CGF pilot calls are generated using ATC voice generator
  • CGF unique voice pack included
  • ATC responds to CGF messages as per live environment

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